Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Get Enum Id and Enum Value in D365FO using SQL and X++

 Below is the sql get enum id and enum value of a enum in D365 F&O using sql.

SELECT enumidtable.NAME         'Enum Name',
       enumvaluetable.enumvalue 'Enum Id',
       enumvaluetable.NAME      'Enum Label'
FROM   enumidtable enumIdTable
       INNER JOIN enumvaluetable enumValueTable
               ON enumidtable.id = enumvaluetable.enumid
WHERE  enumidtable.NAME = 'BomWHSReleasePolicy' 

Result of above SQL

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Try Catch in X++

 Exception handling is important when we write code. Below is the sample code to catch exception when code is running.

class TryCatchTest


    SysInfologEnumerator            enumerator;

    SysInfologMessageStruct         msgStruct;

    Exception                       exception;

    Counter                         i = 0;

    str                             errorGlobal;

    public void createCustomer()


        CustTable custTable;



            custTable.AccountNum              = "Account1";






            enumerator = SysInfologEnumerator::newData(infolog.cut(i));


            while (enumerator.moveNext())


                msgStruct = new SysInfologMessageStruct(enumerator.currentMessage());

                exception = enumerator.currentException();

                errorGlobal +=  msgStruct.message();





changecompany in x++

 If you want to select/insert/update/delete data from specific company or legal entity, then changecompany keyword we can use. Below is sample code.

 public str ChangeCompanyTest()


       changecompany('ART') // ART is the legal entity name


                //Your  X++ Code



Wednesday, December 27, 2023

using SQL Query in X++

 If you need to execute sql query inside your X++ code then below example can help you. To pass value to SQL query we need to use strfmt() function. 

       str sql;

       Connection conn;

       SqlStatementExecutePermission permission;


       sql= strFmt("update ProdBOM set InventDimId = '%1' where RecId = %2",                                                                   inventDim.inventDimId,ProdBOM.RecId);

       permission = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(sql);

       conn = new Connection();

       permission = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(sql);





Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Get Product Master Size,Color,Style, ConfigID in D365FO using SQL

If you want to get Product Master Size,Color,Style, ConfigID and thier names then below three SQL queries can help you get data quickly from D365FO compared to X++ development. Normally the volume of data is high when we try to export these types of data.

1) Product Master Size

SELECT ecoresproduct.recid             [PRODUCTMASTERNUMBER],

       ecoressize.NAME                 [PRODUCTSIZEID],

       isnull(ecoresproducttranslation.NAME,'')   [PRODUCTNAME],

       inventitemgroupitem.itemgroupid [ITEMGROUP],

       ''''+ inventtable.itemid              [ITEMID],

   isnull(translate.NAME,'')   [SIZENAME]

FROM   ecoresproductmasterdimensionvalue EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue

       INNER JOIN ecoresproduct ecoResProduct

               ON ecoresproduct.recid =


       LEFT OUTER JOIN ecoresproducttranslation

                    ON ecoresproducttranslation.product = ecoresproduct.recid

       LEFT JOIN inventtable

              ON inventtable.product = ecoresproduct.recid

       LEFT JOIN inventitemgroupitem

              ON inventitemgroupitem.itemid = inventtable.itemid

                 AND inventitemgroupitem.itemdataareaid = inventtable.dataareaid

       INNER JOIN ecoressize ecoressize

               ON ecoressize.recid = ecoresproductmasterdimensionvalue.size_

       LEFT JOIN ecoresproductmasterdimvaluetranslation translate

              ON translate.productmasterdimensionvalue =


WHERE  inventtable.DataAreaId ='@DataAreaID'

2) Product Master Color

SELECT ecoresproduct.recid             [PRODUCTMASTERNUMBER],

       ecorescolor.NAME                [PRODUCTCOLORID],

       isnull(ecoresproducttranslation.NAME,'')   [PRODUCTNAME],

       inventitemgroupitem.itemgroupid [ITEMGROUP],

       ''''+ inventtable.itemid              [ITEMID],

   isnull(translate.NAME,'')   [COLORNAME]

FROM   ecoresproductmasterdimensionvalue EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue

       INNER JOIN ecoresproduct ecoResProduct

               ON ecoresproduct.recid =


       LEFT OUTER JOIN ecoresproducttranslation

                    ON ecoresproducttranslation.product = ecoresproduct.recid

       LEFT JOIN inventtable

              ON inventtable.product = ecoresproduct.recid

       LEFT JOIN inventitemgroupitem

              ON inventitemgroupitem.itemid = inventtable.itemid

                 AND inventitemgroupitem.itemdataareaid = inventtable.dataareaid

       INNER JOIN ecorescolor ecoResColor

               ON ecorescolor.recid = ecoresproductmasterdimensionvalue.color

       LEFT JOIN ecoresproductmasterdimvaluetranslation translate

              ON translate.productmasterdimensionvalue =


WHERE  inventtable.DataAreaId ='@DataAreaID'

3) Product Master Style

SELECT ecoresproduct.recid             [PRODUCTMASTERNUMBER],

       ecoresstyle.NAME                [PRODUCTSTYLEID],

       ecoresproducttranslation.NAME   [PRODUCTNAME],

       inventitemgroupitem.itemgroupid [ITEMGROUP],

       ''''+ inventtable.itemid              [ITEMID],

   isnull(translate.NAME,'')   [STYLENAME]

FROM   ecoresproductmasterdimensionvalue EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue

       INNER JOIN ecoresproduct ecoResProduct

               ON ecoresproduct.recid =


       LEFT OUTER JOIN ecoresproducttranslation

                    ON ecoresproducttranslation.product = ecoresproduct.recid

       LEFT JOIN inventtable

              ON inventtable.product = ecoresproduct.recid

       LEFT JOIN inventitemgroupitem

              ON inventitemgroupitem.itemid = inventtable.itemid

                 AND inventitemgroupitem.itemdataareaid = inventtable.dataareaid

       INNER JOIN ecoresstyle ecoresstyle

               ON ecoresstyle.recid = ecoresproductmasterdimensionvalue.STYLE

       LEFT JOIN ecoresproductmasterdimvaluetranslation translate

              ON translate.productmasterdimensionvalue =


WHERE  inventtable.DataAreaId ='@DataAreaID'

4) Product Master Config

SELECT ecoresproduct.recid             [PRODUCTMASTERNUMBER],

       ecoresconfiguration.NAME        [PRODUCTCONFIGURATIONID],

       ISNULL(ecoresproducttranslation.NAME,'')   [PRODUCTNAME],

       inventitemgroupitem.itemgroupid [ITEMGROUP],

       ''''+ inventtable.itemid              [ITEMID],

   isnull(translate.NAME,'')   [CONFIGNAME]

FROM   ecoresproductmasterdimensionvalue EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue

       INNER JOIN ecoresproduct ecoResProduct

               ON ecoresproduct.recid =


       LEFT OUTER JOIN ecoresproducttranslation

                    ON ecoresproducttranslation.product = ecoresproduct.recid

       LEFT JOIN inventtable

              ON inventtable.product = ecoresproduct.recid

       LEFT JOIN inventitemgroupitem

              ON inventitemgroupitem.itemid = inventtable.itemid

                 AND inventitemgroupitem.itemdataareaid = inventtable.dataareaid

       INNER JOIN ecoresconfiguration ecoresconfiguration

               ON ecoresconfiguration.recid = ecoresproductmasterdimensionvalue.configuration

       LEFT JOIN ecoresproductmasterdimvaluetranslation translate

              ON translate.productmasterdimensionvalue =


WHERE  inventtable.DataAreaId ='@DataAreaID'

Get released product variant in AX 2012 R3

 If you want get released product variants of AX 2012 using SQL, then SQL script can help you. Here I am fetching Item Number, Product Variant Number, Style,Color, Size, Product Name. 

Please notice the join condition of InventDimCombination with EcoResProduct table. I wrote this query while doing data migration from AX 2012 R3 to D365F&O.

SELECT inventdimcombination.itemid               [ITEMNUMBER],
       ecoresproduct.displayproductnumber        [PRODUCTVARIANTNUMBER],
       inventdim.inventstyleid                   [PRODUCTSTYLEID],
       inventdim.inventcolorid                   [PRODUCTCOLORID],
       inventdim.inventsizeid                    [PRODUCTSIZEID],
       inventdim.configid                        [PRODUCTCONFIGURATIONID],
       Isnull(ecoresproducttranslation.NAME, '') [PRODUCTNAME],
       inventitemgroupitem.itemgroupid           [ITEMGROUP]
FROM   inventdimcombination
       INNER JOIN inventdim
               ON inventdim.inventdimid = inventdimcombination.inventdimid
       INNER JOIN inventtable
               ON inventtable.itemid = inventdimcombination.itemid
       INNER JOIN ecoresproduct
               ON ecoresproduct.recid =
       INNER JOIN ecoresproducttranslation
               ON ecoresproducttranslation.product = ecoresproduct.recid
       INNER JOIN inventitemgroupitem
               ON inventitemgroupitem.itemid = inventtable.itemid
                  AND inventitemgroupitem.itemdataareaid =
WHERE  inventtable.dataareaid = '@DataAreaID' 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Dynamic SSRS report name in D365 FnO

 When there is a requirement to generate dynamic report name. For example when saving report, the report name should be appended with Customer ID, Invoice ID etc. To do this in the controller class we have to write code for parmDialogCaption() method shown below:-


class DemoController extends SrsReportRunController
    public void prePromptModifyContract()
        ProjInvoiceJour              projInvoiceJour;
        DemoContract             contract;
        FormDataSource               fds;
        contract    = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as DemoController;
        projInvoiceJour = args.record();
        fds = args.record().dataSource();

    public static client void main(Args args)
        DemoController             demoController;
        ProjInvoiceJour              projInvoiceJour;
        demoController= new DemoController();
        demoController.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(RAR_AmazonBillingReport, Report));
        demoController.parmReportContract().parmReportCaption("Project Invoice Report");
        projInvoiceJour = args.record();
        demoController.parmDialogCaption("Project Invoice Report" + "_"+ projInvoiceJour.ProjInvoiceId); // This will generate dynamic report name        

when you export the report in excel, pdf or csv, the report name will be appended with ProjInvoiceId.

Get Enum Id and Enum Value in D365FO using SQL and X++

 Below is the sql get enum id and enum value of a enum in D365 F&O using sql. SELECT   enumidtable . NAME           'Enum Name' ...